Orlando is full of so many theme parks and attractions that it can be very easy to forget to visit the city itself. In this city, it’s not difficult to find yourself overwhelmed with Instagram-able moments – it’s not called Orlando the Beautiful for nothing! If you really want your Insta pics to stand out from the crowd, check out these five Instagram picture hot spots. Get ready for your notifications to start blowing up, because these spots are the most double tap-worthy in town.

Lake Eola Bandshell
Located in Lake Eola Park, 512 East Washington St.
Not only is this an awesome spot to see a concert and catch the 4th of July fireworks, but when you head to the back of the band shell you will find the biggest and most beautiful rainbow, perfect for any Instagram feed.

Hunger Street Tacos
2103 W. Fairbanks Ave.
There are three beautiful murals at this location by the Lapiztola art collective of the graphic designers Roberto Vega and Rosario Martinez, architect Yankel Balderas and artist Liseth Amaya. The mural at the front of the building is “La Palabra Florece,” the piece in the lobby depicts “La Calle del Hambre,” or Hunger Street, and the final piece – which is my favorite – is an unnamed work representing a little boy and his dreams. Did I mention that they have amazing tacos, as well?

Barnie’s Coffee Courtyard
118 S Park Ave.
This courtyard is absolutely stunning and has so many options for beautiful pictures. Whether you are sitting inside sipping a coffee with friends or basking in the sun next to the fountain, you are guaranteed to get a ton of likes from this shot!

Leu Gardens
1920 North Forest Ave.
If you’re a nature enthusiast, this is the spot for you. Unlike the four other locations on this list, this is a paid experience, but it is 100% worth the investment, since Leu Gardens is such a beautiful collective of gardens. Make sure to keep your camera at the ready – You won’t want to miss the butterflies as they flutter past.

The Muse of Discovery
Located in Lake Eola Park, 512 East Washington St.
This sculpture depicts a woman looking at her open hand. The sculpture is a very large interactive piece that allows you to sit in the hand of the Muse, making for great a great photo op. This Muse has sparked the imagination of many, and she would love to help you discover your hidden potential – as an Instagram superstar, of course – as well.